RHR Solutions refers to one or more of Roy Job Associates Managements Pvt. Ltd., a Indian private company by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see www.rhrsolutions.in for a detailed description of the legal structure of Roy Job Associates Managements Pvt. Ltd. and its member firms.
The Materials Management module (RHR MM) consists of all master data, system configuration, and transactions to complete the Procure to Pay process. This process map spans from MRP generated procurement proposals through final invoice receipt and verification.
RHR Materials Management Components or Sub-Components:
Procure to Pay business process associated with the RHR MM module:
Subcomponents of the RHR Materials Management (RHR MM) Module:
Interested in learning more? Contact us or Call RHR,
Corporate & Cummunicatios: (+91-033-2530-0226 ext. 23,24)
(+91-033-2360 6819 / +91-033-2351 8528 / +91-033-2360 8074 ext. 25,21).