


The pace of change in Indian manufacturing has been blistering. Both perceptions and reality have shifted radically, even in the last several months. The world is impressed with the acquisitions the Indian manufacturing companies are making across the world, the innovative products they are show-casing, cost & efficiency benchmark they are setting - each bringing out a hither-to unknown facet of Indian manufacturing.

Virtually every manufacturing company that may not have made the headline is equally impacted by the globalization of the supply chain in which it operates, is influenced by the achievement of its peers and aspires to make a mark. While on the one hand they experience huge cost and cycle-time pressures, they are also faced with fantastic opportunities to grow profitably.

We have worked with such companies that have made a mark in the global scene and have understood what makes them successful. We have, through the professional practices of our global network, created a repository of best practices and strategies the industry leaders have adopted to achieve success. We bring this know-how and the deep understanding of the local realities to configure sophisticated, yet practical solutions.

Our professionals have worked with manufacturing companies in different functions and therefore bring practical insights. They understand the challenges confronting the manufacturing companies of today. We serve clients in a number of sub-sectors in manufacturing such as automotive, auto-components, industrial products, process chemicals, textile, apparel, leather products, etc. We also serve prestigious government organizations involved in shaping policies that impact the manufacturing industry. Our leaders serve industry bodies and are conversant with the contemporary debate.

Interested in learning more?  Contact us or Call RHR,

Corporate & Cummunicatios: (+91-033-2530-0226 ext. 23,24)

(+91-033-2360 6819 / +91-033-2351 8528 / +91-033-2360 8074 ext. 25,21).